The Kura - Japanese Art Treasures
Robert Mangold has been working with Japanese antiques since 1995 with an emphasis on ceramics, Paintings, Armour and Buddhist furniture.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #1491105 (stock #K002)
The Kura
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A Bairin Yaki Suiteki water dropper in the shape of an eggplant and bowl covered in that quintessential Bairin purple and green glaze flowing into the water bowl. It is 10.5 x 6 x 4.5 cm (4 x 2-1/4 x 2 inches and is in overall nice condition, with miniscule chips repaired on the rim. Suiteki are used to provide water for grinding ink on an ink stone.
Bairin Yaki was a resurrection of the ancient Omi style of ceramic called Zeze favored by Kobori Enshu and Honami Koetsu. Zeze Yaki died out in the mid 1600s, but was reestablished by Odawara Ihe-e sometime during the Tenmei Era (1781-1789), with brighter colors. It was, however not long lived, and appears to have died out again sometime in the 1840s. It was again revitalized in the Late Edo and Meiji eras under the name Seta-yaki, and again the lineage died in the Taisho period. An unusual opportunity for the collector of Japanese ceramics.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1930 item #1491102 (stock #K010)
The Kura
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A diminutive image of the three monkeys made to support the Kettle lid in the Japanese Tea Ceremony dating from the later 19th to early 20th centuries by Nagaoka Kuumi enclosed in the original signed wooden box. A warning to all, the little creatures hear nothing, see nothing and speak nothing. What passes in the tea room stays in the tea room. The figure is 4.5 cm (roughly 2 inches) diameter the same height and in excellent condition. Impressed into the base is the artists seal.
Nagaoka Kuumi (1874-1960) was the son of Kunyu, and was the 9th generation successor to Rakuzan ware. He took the reins during a period of revival in the Tea world and was inspired by the famous tea ceremony equipment exhibited at the 100th anniversary of the death of Tea Master and Daimyo of Izumo Matsudaira Fumaiko (1751-1818).
Rakuzan pottery falls under the umbrella of Fushina or Fujina Yaki, the Goyogama clan kiln of the Matsudaira of Matsue in modern day Izumo, sometimes simply called Izumo-yaki. The origin of Rakuzan ware lies in the early Edo period, when the second generation Matsudaira Tsunataka requested a Hagi ware potter from the neighboring Mori clan, which was eventually granted to the third generation Izumo leader Matsudaira Tsunachika around 1677. The founders of the kiln were Kurasaki Gonbei and Kada Hanroku. Although under continuous production, the kiln had its ups and downs until it was strongly revived by the 8th Lord of Matsue, Matsudaira Harusato (Fumai 1751-1818) Daimyo of the province. From then it fell strongly under his aesthetic taste. Flagging in the late 19th century, artists such as the great scholar and Nanga artist Tanomura Chokunyu sought to revitalize it, and came to Shimane to decorate the works or to teach decoration and painting techniques. It became an important influence on the Mingei movement and was visited by Bernard Leach, Hamada Shoji and Kawai Kanjiro in the early 20th century.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1800 item #1491100 (stock #K007)
The Kura
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A crusty wood fired Bizen dish with looping handle, one hemisphere rounded, the other pinched as if for pouring, dating from the Edo period enclosed in an ancient custom fit lacquered Kiri-wood box. It is 23.5 x 22cm x 12.5 cm (roughly 9 inches diameter, 5 inches tall) and is in surprisingly excellent overall condition, with a few nicks to the edge of the foot consistent with age. Evidencing the centuries, there is a loss near the handle to some thicker glaze encrustation. This only happens with Bizen after a great deal of time. A dish like this would have been used for serving sweets in a tea room, or perhaps some skewered grilled fish in a traditional meal. The Bizen pottery tradition in Japan dates back over a thousand years, tracing its roots to the Heian period (794-1185). Located in the Okayama Prefecture, the Bizen region has been renowned for its unique style of pottery, characterized by rustic simplicity, earthy textures, and natural aesthetics. The firing process allows for the spontaneous creation of unpredictable patterns and colors on the pottery's surface. These effects result from the interaction of flames, ash, and minerals present in the clay during the high-temperature firing, reaching up to 1300 degrees Celsius. Bizen ware typically features unglazed surfaces, showcasing the natural qualities of the clay itself. The pottery's reddish-brown coloration, derived from the iron-rich clay native to the Bizen region, is emblematic of its organic appeal. Simplicity of form enhances the pottery's charm. Its rustic elegance and understated sophistication resonate with collectors and enthusiasts worldwide.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1930 item #1490851
The Kura
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A lovely work reflecting the simplicity of Art Deco predominant from the 1920s and 30s by master of the genre Ito Suito enclosed in the original signed wooden box The vase is 29 cm (11-1/2 inches) tall and in excellent condition.
Ito Suito (Yoshiharu, 1894-1980) was born in Kyoto and apprenticed under Ito Tozan in 1911. In 1918 he married his daughter, and took the family name and at the same time assumed the name Suito. In 1929 he was first exhibited at the Teiten National Exhibition, and opened his own kiln in 1931 in the Gojo-zaka pottery district of Kyoto. This was the beginning of a long career which would see him displayed and prized at such venues as the Nitten and Kyoten exhibitions. He would be awarded by Kyoto city for his lifes work in 1975 (Kyoto Bijutsu Kogei Koro-sho award) and again in 1979 granted the title Carrier of the Cultural Heritage of Kyoto City (Kyotoshi Bunka Korosha).
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1930 item #1490803
The Kura
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An elegant tall vase in signature soft blue by Shinjo Tozan III of Yamagata enclosed in the original singed wooden box dating from the early half of the 20th century titled Yohen Kabin. It is 15cm (6 inches) diametr, 41cm (16 inches) tall and in excellent condition.
Higashiyama (alternatively read Tozan) is the common name for the hilly area in the eastern part of Shinjo City, Yamagata prefecture, and the geology of the village is covered with a thick layer of clay. Yahei Wakui, (1801-1872) the founder of Higashiyama ware, was a potter from Kosugi in Echigo, modern day Toyama prefecture. While traveling the country for training, he fell in love with the clay of Higashiyama, and in 1841 opened a pottery as the official kiln for the Shinjo Tozawa clan.
The third generation Yahei was born on January 29, 1896, as the second son of Yahei II. From an early age, he learned pottery skills from his father and helped the family business. The era in which the third generation Yahei was active was a time of great change, including the global recession after World War I, the Sino-Japanese and the Pacific War. Utilizing the characteristics of Higashiyama's clay, he produced earthenware pots, yukihira, suribachi, blanched pots, kataguchi, and other miscellaneous everyday utensils, and laid the foundation for the fame of today's "Higashiyama ware." The folk-ware researcher Yanagi Soetsu, who was exposed to the pottery of the third generation of Yabe, writes in his book ``Japan of Handicrafts'' that ``They used a beautiful bluish sea cucumber glaze to fire earthenware pots...'' (Omitted) As an earthenware pot, it is said to be the most beautiful in Japan. Yahei III passed away on October 23, 1945 at the age of 73. Currently the 7th generation works alongside his father
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1930 item #1490654
The Kura
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A fabulous bowl by the first-generation Kato Keizan enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Tenranji Zuicho Moyo Hachi (Bowl with Blue Glaze Decorated with Auspicious Birds). Tenran is a blue glaze made by the official kiln of the Qing Dynasty in China. On this in raised white auspicious birds with long tails like dragons circle the rim over archaic symbols reflecting continental taste popular from the Meiji through Taisho to early Showa period. It is 24.5 cm (9-1/2 inches) diameter 13 cm (5 inches) tall and in excellent condition.
Kato Keizan I (1886-1963) was born in Tajimi city, Gifu, a pottery center in its own right, however came to Kyoto to apprentice under Kiyomizu Rokubei IV (1848-1920). He established himself in 1912 in the same neighborhood in Kyoto, where he became well known for celadon and Chinese based porcelain forms. He was especially remembered for Tenryuji seiji (Chinese Long Quan celadon porcelain). Works by this artist are held in the National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto among others.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1910 item #1490653
The Kura
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A beautifully sculpted incense burner in the shape of a nesting crane dating from the 19th to opening of the 20th century, Late Edo to Meiji period). It comes enclosed in an age darkened kiri-wood collectors box. It is 12.5 x 24 x 16 cm (5 x 9-1/2 x 6 inches). Although not altogether clear there appears to be a possible old repair to the back of the head.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #1490603
The Kura
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A 19th century Bronze incense burner int eh shape of a burning Buddhist jewel supported on five legs of curling smoke tendrils, alternating with five looping handles. It is 20 cm (8 inches) tall to the finial, and in excellent condition.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1920 item #1490013
The Kura
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A magnificent stand of root wood writhing upward to a flattened cluster, a perfect example of the Japanese esteem for things natural enclosed in a period custom made wooden storage box. It is 48 cm (19 inches) tall and in overall excellent condition. Perfect for elevating a koro incense burner or tiny bonsai.
The aesthetic of the scholar studio is embodied in an acute appreciation for representations of the natural world in any form; from the subject of a painting in the alcove to the texture of the wood on the desk and the colors or deformities in the bamboo brush hanging from a piece of natural wood.
A profound influence from China, through the practice of Chinese style steeped tea (Sencha) and glorification of the Literati ideal of the Ming is part of the dual basis of Japans Scholar tradition. Equally important is an understanding and appreciation of natural degradation and the fleeting nature of existence espoused in the ideal of wabi-sabi and the world of Japanese Powdered Tea (Maccha). Behind both these concepts lies a basis in Zen (Chan) Buddhist precepts and Taoist/Confucianist Philosophy.
Stone. Wood. Earth. Grain. Texture. Form. All natural, imperfect, transient and unique.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1920 item #1489964 (stock #OC010)
The Kura
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A very large porcelain basin decorated with gold and red fish among green, gold and red flora by Miyagawa (Makuzu) Kozan enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Gosu-Aka-e Sakana no Zu Hira Bachi. Inside the box bears the Teishitsu Gigein seal, followed by an annotation denoting the artist age at 75 years old. After a long verse which also appears to be by the hand of Kozan it is dated 5th day, 5th month of Taisho 6 (1917). It is 38 cm (15 inches) diameter and in excellent condition.
The name Kozan was granted by Prince Yasui-no-Miya in 1851 in honor of the tea ware produced during the later Edo for the imperial Court by the tenth-generation head of the Kyoto pottery family Miyagawa Chozo. The Kozan (Makuzu) kiln as we know it today was established in Yokohama in 1871 by the 11th generation head of the family where he reinvented the family business. He immediately set out on a journey which would propel the Kozan name to International Celebrity status, and send his wares throughout the globe. Pieces produced there were marked Kozan, or Makuzu, the official kiln name, or both. Although he had been running the daily operation since the late 19th century, the first son, Hanzan, succeeded as head of the kiln, in 1912, with the father officially retiring to spend more time on his own research and art. Kozan I dies in 1916. The kiln was run by Hanzan (1859-1940) through the early Showa era, he officially taking the name Kozan II in 1917, after one-year mourning for his father’s passing. Under Hanzan the kiln was commissioned for works to be presented to the Prince of Wales, the 25th wedding anniversary gift for the Taisho emperor and the Showa Emperors coronation gift. The unlucky third generation inherited the kiln at the height of the war years, it was completely destroyed in the bombing of Yokohama in 1945. For more on this illustrious family see Bridging East and West, Japanese Ceramics from the Kozan Studio by Kathleen Emerson-Dell.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1930 item #1489911
The Kura
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Red ivy clings to the pale crackled glaze of this tsubo by Miyagawa (Makuzu) Kozen enclosed in the original signed wooden box. Below glistening black glaze covers the bottom, in a style well known for this artist. It is 24.5 (just less than 10 inches) tall and in excellent condition.
The name Kozan was granted by Prince Yasui-no-Miya in 1851 in honor of the tea ware produced during the later Edo for the imperial Court by the tenth generation head of the Kyoto pottery family Miyagawa Chozo. The Kozan (Makuzu) kiln as we know it today was established in Yokohama in 1871 by the 11th generation head of the family where he reinvented the family business. He immediately set out on a journey which would propel the Kozan name to International Celebrity status, and send his wares throughout the globe. Pieces produced there were marked Kozan, or Makuzu, the official kiln name, or both. Although he had been running the daily operation since the late 19th century, the first son, Hanzan, succeeded as head of the kiln, in 1912, with the father officially retiring to spend more time on his own research and art. Kozan I dies in 1916. The kiln was run by Hanzan through the early Showa era, he officially taking the name Kozan II in 1917, after one year mourning for his fathers passing. Under Hanzan the kiln was commissioned for works to be presented to the Prince of Wales, the 25th wedding anniversary gift for the Taisho emperor and the Showa Emperors coronation gift. The kiln was completely destroyed in the bombing of Yokohama in 1945. For more on this illustrious family see Bridging East and West, Japanese Ceramics from the Kozan Studio by Kathleen Emerson-Dell.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1930 item #1489820
The Kura
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A dynamic floral pattern in pale blue and white on pink by Kiyomizu Rokubei V showing the developmental stage of his iconic Taireiji works. Undeniably Taireiji was the most important development by this innovative artist, and pieces are exceedingly rare. It is 19cm (7-1/2 inches) diameter, 27.5cm (11 inches) tall and in excellent condition.
Kiyomizu Rokubei V (Shimizu Kuritaro, 1875-1959) initially studied painting and decorating technique under Kono Bairei, one of the foremost painters in Japan in the Meiji era. After graduating the Kyoto Municipal Special School of Painting, he took a position under his father at the family kiln however. That same year he exhibited his first work at the National Industrial Exposition. He was a co-founder of Yutoen with his father and Asai Chu, and worked ceaselessly to promote the pottery of Kyoto. He helped to establish the Kyoto Ceramics Research Facility (Kyoto Tojiki Shikensho) at the turn of the century which would be the proving ground for many young artist of the era. Doctor Maezaki Shinya has noted that Teishitsu-Gigei-in (Imperial Art Academy Member) Seifu Yohei III also fired his acclaimed works in the Rokubei kiln in the Taisho era. Due to his father’s poor health Rokubei V took the reins unofficially in 1902, commanding the helm until assuming the name Rokubei V in 1913. It was in 1928 that Rokubei changed the reading of the family name from Shimizu to Kiyomizu and applied it retroactively to previous generations. He exhibited constantly, and garnered a great many awards. He worked to get crafts added to the National Art Exhibition (Bunten/Teiten) and served as a judge in 1927, the first year crafts were allowed. In 1937 he was designated a member of the Imperial Art Council (Teishitsu Bijutsu Inkai). Despite changes in the world around him Rokubei persevered, working in all manner of materials and styles. He retired in 1945, perhaps as exhausted as Japan was with the end of the war, or perhaps seeing that capitulation would signal a new era in need of new leaders and a new aesthetic. He passed the name Rokubei to his son and took the retirement name Rokuwa. Uncontainable he continued to create pottery under that name until his death in 1959. His influence is so pervasive he was voted one of the most important potters of the modern era by Honoho magazine, the preeminent quarterly devoted to Japanese pottery. A multitude of works by him are held in the National Museums of Modern Art, both in Tokyo and Kyoto, the Kyoto Kyocera Museum, The Kyoto Hakubutsukan Museum and the Philadelphia Art Museum among others.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1930 item #1489792
The Kura
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A large lozenge shaped bowl of thick clay covered in fawn spotted glaze by Kiyomizu Rokubei V decorated with a poem by Hashimoto Kansetsu enclosed in the original wooden box signed by both artists titled Gohon Fuseikei Hachi (Bowl of irregular shape in Gohon glaze. It is quite large, 34×26.5㎝ x 15cm (13-1/2 x 10-1/2 x 6 inches) and is in excellent condition.
Hashimoto Kansetsu (1883–1945) was born in Kobe, son of painter Hashimoto Kaikan from whom he gained a love of Chinese culture. He studied at Chikujokai under Takeuchi Seiho (1864-1942), but eventually withdrew due to differences of opinion. He visited Europe in 1921 and after that spent part of almost every year in China. Many of his paintings were inspired by Chinese scenery or Chinese classical literature. His former residence in Kyoto is now a museum of his work called the Hakusasonso.
Kiyomizu Rokubei V (Shimizu Kuritaro, 1875-1959) initially studied painting and decorating technique under Kono Bairei, one of the foremost painters in Japan in the Meiji era. After graduating the Kyoto Municipal Special School of Painting, he took a position under his father at the family kiln however. That same year he exhibited his first work at the National Industrial Exposition. He was a co-founder of Yutoen with his father and Asai Chu, and worked ceaselessly to promote the pottery of Kyoto. He helped to establish the Kyoto Ceramics Research Facility (Kyoto Tojiki Shikensho) at the turn of the century which would be the proving ground for many young artist of the era. Doctor Maezaki Shinya has noted that Teishitsu-Gigei-in (Imperial Art Academy Member) Seifu Yohei III also fired his acclaimed works in the Rokubei kiln in the Taisho era. Due to his father’s poor health Rokubei V took the reins unofficially in 1902, commanding the helm until assuming the name Rokubei V in 1913. It was in 1928 that Rokubei changed the reading of the family name from Shimizu to Kiyomizu and applied it retroactively to previous generations. He exhibited constantly, and garnered a great many awards. He worked to get crafts added to the National Art Exhibition (Bunten/Teiten) and served as a judge in 1927, the first year crafts were allowed. In 1937 he was designated a member of the Imperial Art Council (Teishitsu Bijutsu Inkai). Despite changes in the world around him Rokubei persevered, working in all manner of materials and styles. He retired in 1945, perhaps as exhausted as Japan was with the end of the war, or perhaps seeing that capitulation would signal a new era in need of new leaders and a new aesthetic. He passed the name Rokubei to his son and took the retirement name Rokuwa. Uncontainable he continued to create pottery under that name until his death in 1959. His influence is so pervasive he was voted one of the most important potters of the modern era by Honoho magazine, the preeminent quarterly devoted to Japanese pottery. A multitude of works by him are held in the National Museums of Modern Art, both in Tokyo and Kyoto, the Kyoto Kyocera Museum, The Kyoto Hakubutsukan Museum and the Philadelphia Art Museum among others.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #1489685
The Kura
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A beautiful set of ten small shallow dishes, each uniquely decorated with a poem and image from the Edo period Sasashima Kiln of central Nagoya. The box, titled Sasashima Yaki Teshio Jumai (10 Sasashima Salt Dishes) is dated inside to the Tenpo era, (1830-1844). Each dish is 9 cm (3-1/2 inches) diameter and all are in excellent condition. Salt dishes were small plates used to hold salt, pickles or other condiments in a traditional Japanese meal. Finding a complete set like this in good condition is exceedingly rare.
The kiln producing Sasashima ware was opened by Makibokusai in the Bunka era in central Nagoya. Sasashima ware is characterized by its bright colors, and it is said that Makibokusai was also good at carving. The kiln, which continued for three generations after Makibokusai, is said to have disappeared around 1923 (Taisho 12) due to the expansion work of Nagoya Station.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1700 item #1489585
The Kura
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A classic Nanban style Japanese lacquer tray decorated with mother of pearl inlay featuring four panels of birds among floral patterns separated by bands and frets dating from the 17th century later Momoyama to early Edo era. It is 43 × 28.5 x 2cm (17 x 11 x 1 inches). It has been fully restored, with repairs to the original lacquer and inlay, and the underside has been re-lacquered. It comes in a custom fitted Chinese style cloth bound box lined with red silk.
According to the Met: The Portuguese and Spanish who visited Japan during the Momoyama period were fascinated by the beauty and exotic appearance of luxurious gold-decorated lacquerwares associated with the taste of warlord Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1537–1598). As a result, lacquers commissioned for the European market typically adopted this flamboyant style (Kōdaiji maki-e). Such pieces—among the earliest trade goods exported from Japan—are known collectively as “Nanban,” or “Southern Barbarian,” the Japanese appellation for foreigners who arrived “from the south.” Highly prized by the great families of Europe as luxurious exotica, they helped to define a “Japan aesthetic” for the Continent for more than three centuries. The decorative patterns depict Japanese subjects, among others, including maple, mandarin orange, and cherry trees, camellia flowers, wisteria branches, and birds. The decorative bands of the borders are embellished with geometric designs. One of the characteristic features of the Nanban lacquers is the rich application of mother-of-pearl inlays.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1930 item #1489472
The Kura
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A small vase sculpted in the shape of a cluster of roses covered in cockscomb red by Kiyomizu Rokubei V enclosed in the original signed wooden box. The vase shows the influence of Art-Nouveau, and Rokubei was one of the leading proponents of blending Western and Eastern ideals in clay art. The vase is 6.5cm (2-1/2 inches) diameter, 18.5cm (7-1/2 inches) tall and in perfect condition. It comes wrapped in the original artist stamped cloth complete with the original black wood stand.
Kiyomizu Rokubei V (Shimizu Kuritaro, 1875-1959) initially studied painting and decorating technique under Kono Bairei, one of the foremost painters in Japan in the Meiji era. After graduating the Kyoto Municipal Special School of Painting, he took a position under his father at the family kiln however. That same year he exhibited his first work at the National Industrial Exposition. He was a co-founder of Yutoen with his father and Asai Chu, and worked ceaselessly to promote the pottery of Kyoto. He helped to establish the Kyoto Ceramics Research Facility (Kyoto Tojiki Shikensho) at the turn of the century which would be the proving ground for many young artist of the era. Doctor Maezaki Shinya has noted that Teishitsu-Gigei-in (Imperial Art Academy Member) Seifu Yohei III also fired his acclaimed works in the Rokubei kiln in the Taisho era. Due to his father’s poor health Rokubei V took the reins unofficially in 1902, commanding the helm until assuming the name Rokubei V in 1913. It was in 1928 that Rokubei changed the reading of the family name from Shimizu to Kiyomizu and applied it retroactively to previous generations. He exhibited constantly, and garnered a great many awards. He worked to get crafts added to the National Art Exhibition (Bunten/Teiten) and served as a judge in 1927, the first year crafts were allowed. In 1937 he was designated a member of the Imperial Art Council (Teishitsu Bijutsu Inkai). Despite changes in the world around him Rokubei persevered, working in all manner of materials and styles. He retired in 1945, perhaps as exhausted as Japan was with the end of the war, or perhaps seeing that capitulation would signal a new era in need of new leaders and a new aesthetic. He passed the name Rokubei to his son and took the retirement name Rokuwa. Uncontainable he continued to create pottery under that name until his death in 1959. His influence is so pervasive he was voted one of the most important potters of the modern era by Honoho magazine, the preeminent quarterly devoted to Japanese pottery. A multitude of works by him are held in the National Museums of Modern Art, both in Tokyo and Kyoto, the Kyoto Kyocera Museum, The Kyoto Hakubutsukan Museum and the Philadelphia Art Museum among others.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1980 item #1489359
The Kura
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A very rare Mashiko platter by Living National Treasure Hamada Shoji decorated with a poem cradled in an offset ring forming the mika-tsuki or third day moon by poet Shimizu Hian. The poem reads: Akaki Mi no Omoto no Hotori Dainaru Maruki kono yo no ishi okitari, and is signed by the 76 year old man Hian meaning it was made either in 1958 or 59 (depending upon whether Hian was going by the Western or Japanese manner of counting age). It is 35.5 cm (14 inches) diameter and is in excellent condition, enclosed in a wooden box signed by Hamada’s son.
Hamada Shoji (1894-1978) was born in Tokyo, and enrolled in the Tokyo Technical University at the age of 19. In 1918 he met the important British potter Bernard Leach, and the history of ceramic arts was forever changed. One of the most influential and sought after of all Japanese Ceramic artists. He was a significant influence on studio pottery of the twentieth century, and a driving force of the mingei folk-art movement. In 1955 he was designated a "Living National Treasure". There is no shortage of reading material for those who would like to learn more about this potter.
Shimizu Hian (1883-1975) was a popular poet and painter of the early modern period born in Takahashi City, the grandson of the feudal lord a Bicchu-Matsuyama castle. He created his own unique form of expression combining three arts, poetry, calligraphy, and painting. He graduated law studies from the prestigious Kyoto University, and took a position in Kobe District Court. A social activist, from there he wandered through various positions, bank clerk, office worker, mayor of a small town. Shimizu followed the traditional style of literati calligraphy and painting, while at the same time creating a completely new way of expression. At the age of 84, he became a household name when he was chosen to be the master of ceremonies at the opening of the Imperial Poetry Reading Ceremony。His paintings were lauded by such greats as Kawai Gyokudo and Konoshima Keika, and he was a true literati in life style. Work by him is held in the Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, The National Museum of Asian Art (Freer Sackler Branch) of the Smithsonian in Washington DC, Okayama Prefectural Museum
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1980 item #1489358
The Kura
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3 robed figures appear decidedly relaxed on the edge of a rock-strewn river lost in dark mountains. Above a poem reads:
Furusato ha Arukiteyukeru Tokoro ni-te, Yama ari, Mizu ari, kataru yuujin ari (Walking through my home(town) I find mountains, water and friends for conversation).
Ink on paper bordered in patterned silk with bone rollers. It is 59 x 129 cm (23 x 51 inches) and is in overall fine condition, with some toning due to age. Shimizu Hian (1883-1975) was a popular poet and painter of the early modern period born in Takahashi City, the grandson of the feudal lord a Bicchu-Matsuyama castle. He created his own unique form of expression combining three arts, poetry, calligraphy, and painting. He graduated law studies from the prestigious Kyoto University, and took a position in Kobe District Court. A social activist, from there he wandered through various positions, bank clerk, office worker, mayor of a small town. Shimizu followed the traditional style of literati calligraphy and painting, while at the same time creating a completely new way of expression. At the age of 84, he became a household name when he was chosen to be the master of ceremonies at the opening of the Imperial Poetry Reading Ceremony。His paintings were lauded by such greats as Kawai Gyokudo and Konoshima Keika, and he was a true literati in life style. Work by him is held in the Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, The National Museum of Asian Art (Freer Sackler Branch) of the Smithsonian in Washington DC, Okayama Prefectural Museum