The Kura - Japanese Art Treasures

Robert Mangold has been working with Japanese antiques since 1995 with an emphasis on ceramics, Paintings, Armour and Buddhist furniture.
Antique Japanese Karatsu Sake cup

Antique Japanese Karatsu Sake cup

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Directory: Antiques: Regional Art: Asian: Japanese: Pre 1900: Item # 1500700

Please refer to our stock # KN009 when inquiring.
The Kura
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23 Murasakino Monzen-cho
Kita-ward Kyoto 603-8216
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The shallow clay basin has been thrice dipped into earthy green glaze leaving the foot raw, an Edo period Karatsu Sake Cup enclosed in an age darkened kiri wood box titled Hai-iri. An Ishihaze stone inclusion bursts through the glaze on one side, and the glaze forms a ringlet on the pinched side where the artist thumb held it while dipping in the glaze. Writing abounds on the box, inside the lid, and on the bottom, from the various hands through whom it has passed over the centuries. Edo period, it is 8 zx 7 x 3.5 cm (roughly 3 inches diameter) and is in excellent condition.