The Kura - Japanese Art Treasures

Robert Mangold has been working with Japanese antiques since 1995 with an emphasis on ceramics, Paintings, Armour and Buddhist furniture.

Rimpa Revival Lacquer Kikkyoku Tea Cabinet, Koyama Kogetsu

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Directory: Archives: Regional Art: Asian: Japanese: Pre 1930: Item # 1483318
The Kura
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23 Murasakino Monzen-cho
Kita-ward Kyoto 603-8216
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A lacquered cabinet for storing Tea accoutrements by Koyama Kogetsu enclosed in the original signed wooden box dated 1931 and titled Tsukiyama Maki-e Kikkyoku (Mon and Hills Maki-e Tea Cabinet). On the door deer stand on the edge of a glade, gold, lead and Raden (mother of pearl) trees with branches of gold and silver maki-e above. The door lifts off to reveal the silver disc of a full moon rising over evening hills. It is signed in gold Kogetsu. The cabinet is 36 x 28 x 39 cm (11 x 14 x 15-1/2 inches) and is in excellent condition. Koyama Kogetsu (Rokuro, 1884-1937) was a Maki-e artist from Kashwaski City born the son of Koyama Kinpei (Tesse). He studied the art of Maki-e under Kawanobe Iccho and Uematsu Homin. His work was exhibited at the Teiten National Art Exhibition and awarded at the Imperial Crafts Exhibition.